Rules for Place to Place Records

(For reference only – Abolished at Half Yearly GM 29/03/96)

Place to place records may be established between the following towns

Juniors:  Cross Keys, Hagley (30 m.p.h. Restriction sign) –
to Ombersley and return.

Seniors: – Stourbridge (Talbot Garage, Norton road) –
to Ludlow (Nelson Inn) and back
to Worcester 9 Cornmeadow Lane and back
to Kington (town sign) and back

  1. Seven days notice of all attempts to be given to the Racing Secretary.
  2. Each rider shall have a vehicle following at a reasonable distance,
  3. Rider(s) to use any route as preferred.
  4. Riders must ride entirely alone and unassisted, they must not take any shelter from any other vehicle and shall not be proceeded by any mounted helper within sight.
  5. Entry fee shall be as per club event
  6. A certified watch must be used.
  7. The minimum time elapsed between each rider starting shall be one hour.
  8. The first rider to beat the standard and any subsequent beating of the set record shall be awarded a silver medal or plaque. A certificate shall be awarded to a rider beating the standard but failing to beat the record.



Cross Keys – Ombersley – Cross Keys
Standard 1-00-00
1967 P. Bayton                                                             57-59


Stourbridge – Worcester – Stourbridge
Standard 1-34-00
1973   MLay                                                               1-28-58

Stourbridge – Ludlow – Stourbridge
Standard 1-34-00
1973   MLay                                                               2-36-28

Stourbridge – Kington – Stourbridge
Standard 1-34-00
1973   M. Lay                                                             4-32-37

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